Summertime skincare

During the summer months, increased heat and humidity can increase the activity of the sebaceous glands. This makes the skin appear oiler and shiny.

The intensity of the sun's rays increases the risk of premature ageing and skin cancer.

The sun’s rays will cause tanning by making the skin darker, the darkening of the skin is caused by increased melanocytes which are produced within the dermis of the skin. As our skin heats up in hot sunny conditions, our skin pores will open which will attract dirt, oils and pollutants causing a breeding ground for bacteria. This will then cause pimples, acne and blemishes. It is important to re-think your skincare routine during the summer to prevent further damage to your skin.

Make some changes during the summertime

We recommend you make a few changes in your skincare routine to complement the needs of your skin during the warm summer days.
Think about cleansing, exfoliation, hydration and protection.



A nourishing cleanser which was very useful during the colder months should be exchanged for one that draws the excess oil from your skin. A great tip is to alternate both cleaners if you have a more dryer skin type.



In the summertime we recommend to gently exfoliate your skin two to three times a week for normal and combination skin, and once a week for sensitive skin. Spend some extra time when doing this ensuring that you are doing this gently with a natural product if possible.



Antioxidants help fight the negative effects of free radicals from the environment. Use a good quality facial mask at least twice a month suitable for your skin type. Also, invest in a vitamin C rich serum to use during your facial routine.



Keep your skin hydrated during the summer months as the heat can draw the much-needed moisture from our skin. Use a moisturiser after your serum to lock in the moisture. During the day spritz your skin with a hydrator to keep the skin supple, hydrated and calm. Face Fix By iyesha has anti antibacterial properties making it a perfect allrounder for your skincare essentials.


Sunscreen protects your skin from the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays, UVA and UVB.

It protects the skin from sunburn and reduces the appearance of sun damage, discolourations and dark spots, it also inhibits premature ageing. A lot of us misunderstand the importance when it comes to wearing sun protectant. Sun protectant should be worn all year round as the harmful sun rays are always profound. No matter what ethnicity you are, the rules still apply.


Happy Skin Rituals.


By Iyesha

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